Surname List: Begins with F


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All surnames beginning with F, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Facyson (1)
2. Fair (2)
3. Fair Klingel (1)
4. Fair Moose (1)
5. Fairbairn (10)
6. Fairthorne (8)
7. Faithful (1)
8. Faithfull (8)
9. Falcus (2)
10. Falcus Grist (1)
11. Falk (4)
12. Falkner (1)
13. Fallis (16)
14. Farley (2)
15. Farley Speedy (1)
16. Farmer (1)
17. Farnsworth (1)
18. Farr Wilkins (1)
19. Farrell (1)
20. Farthing (1)
21. Farwell (1)
22. Faulkner (1)
23. Faulkner Pond (1)
24. Faulkner Wright (1)
25. Faust (1)
26. Faverway (1)
27. Fawcet (1)
28. Fawcett (1)
29. Fay (1)
30. Fear (7)
31. Felix (1)
32. Fell (1)
33. Fellows (1)
34. Felsenthal (3)
35. Fenne (1)
36. Fennell (5)
   37. Fenske (8)
38. Fenton (1)
39. Ferguson (12)
40. Fermor (1)
41. Fermor-Hesketh (6)
42. Fernley (1)
43. Fernwalt (1)
44. Ferry (1)
45. Fertig Long (1)
46. Fewings (1)
47. Ffabyan (1)
48. Field (4)
49. Fieldhouse (8)
50. Fielding (1)
51. FIELDS (12)
52. Fields McKillip Williams (1)
53. Filckes (1)
54. Filer (12)
55. Fillis Grist (1)
56. Filmore (3)
57. Finch (6)
58. Finch Grist (1)
59. Fine Mclaughlin (1)
60. Fink (4)
61. Finker Kerschner Grist (1)
62. Fischer (3)
63. Fish Smith (1)
64. Fishel (3)
65. Fisher (6)
66. Fisher Harpenau Griest (1)
67. Fisher Grist (1)
68. Fisher Schocke (1)
69. Fishlock (10)
70. Fitch Bentley (1)
71. Fitt (1)
72. Fitton (2)
   73. Fitzmartin (5)
74. Fitzpatrick (10)
75. Fitzpatrick Handly (1)
76. Fitzpiers (1)
77. Fitzwilliams (2)
78. Flack (3)
79. Flacke (4)
80. Fleet (2)
81. Fleming (5)
82. Flemming (3)
83. Fletcher (18)
84. Flewitt (1)
85. Flight (1)
86. Flint (2)
87. Flint Grist (1)
88. Flippance (2)
89. Floor (1)
90. Flouch (3)
91. Flower (5)
92. Flowers (3)
93. Flowes (2)
94. Floyd Lamb (1)
95. Flynn (6)
96. Foljambe (1)
97. Fonntayne (2)
98. Fooke (3)
99. Fopp (5)
100. Foran Mahoney (1)
101. Ford (4)
102. Ford Edwards (1)
103. Ford Richardson (1)
104. Fordham (1)
105. Foreman (17)
106. Foreman Grist (1)
107. Foreman Speedy Grist (1)
108. Foreman Stokoe (1)
   109. Forman (1)
110. Forner (1)
111. Forrest (3)
112. Forrester Moore (1)
113. Forshaw (1)
114. Fortescue (6)
115. Fortune Hunt (1)
116. Forward Holcomb (1)
117. FOSTER (2)
118. Found (1)
119. Fowle (1)
120. Fowler (41)
121. Fox (17)
122. Foxe (2)
123. Frailey (6)
124. Frailey McColly (1)
125. Frailey Sp AM war (1)
126. Frailey Telle (1)
127. Francis (4)
128. Franer (2)
129. Frangleton (1)
130. Frank (1)
131. Franks (8)
132. Fraser (1)
133. Frazer (1)
134. Frazier (12)
135. Frazier Cleaver (1)
136. Frazier Karnes (1)
137. Frazier Wright Dempsey Grist (1)
138. Frederick Milbrodt (1)
139. Freed (1)
140. Freeh (1)
141. Freeh Driscoll Dedi (1)
142. Freeman (16)
143. French (7)
144. French Grist (1)
   145. French Keil (1)
146. Frenche (1)
147. Frensham (2)
148. Fresewithe (1)
149. Fretwell (2)
150. Frey (9)
151. Frey Grist (1)
152. Frey Oster (1)
153. Frey Partin (1)
154. Fricker (11)
155. Fricker Grist Keeling (1)
156. Frith (2)
157. Frithe (1)
158. Friuli (2)
159. Frogley (1)
160. Frost (7)
161. Frowen (5)
162. Frowen Grist (1)
163. Fry (10)
164. Fryer (7)
165. Fryer Grist Pentecost (1)
166. Fuller (2)
167. Fuller Grist (1)
168. Fullilove (1)
169. Fulton Grist (1)
170. Fulton Gwin (1)
171. Funderburk (1)
172. Furey (1)
173. Furgeson (2)
174. Furse (1)
175. Fussell (4)
176. Fussell White (1)
177. Fye Fenske (1)