
Welcome to the Ancestry section of the Grist Family website. Here, we delve deep into the genealogy and history of the Grist family. Join the Grist Ancestry Project to help with research, explore our interactive family tree, and learn about the different branches of the Grist family. Discover how our name and heritage have spread worldwide, connecting us all through shared history and legacy.

Name Meaning

A deep analysis into the origin of the surname ‘Grist’ and its variations has been undertaken with the results shown here. In this site you can find a complete one name study on the ancestry related to Grist across the world.

Our Heritage and Legacy

The Grist family boasts a long and proud history, marked by hardworking and dedicated individuals who have made significant contributions to their communities. We take great pride in our family name and its association with milling and flour production, an essential ingredient in many foods we enjoy today.

Through this website, we aim to connect with other members of the Grist family, share our stories, traditions, and genealogical records. We hope to inspire younger generations to learn about their family history and to carry forward the legacy of hard work, determination, and resilience that our ancestors embodied.

Join us here in celebrating the rich heritage of the Grist family. Explore our history, connect with relatives, and contribute to our ever-growing family story.

Genealogical Research

There has been a surge in genealogical research on the Grists in recent years of which we are trying our best to collate and offer a hub of the current findings and theories. To see our research so far, visit this page.

Grist Ancestry Project

To get involved and help contribute to research on the Grist families across the world, we’d love to invite you to join the Grist Ancestry Project where you can be in contact, have discussions and work together.


Research has also begun on the Grist family DNA strands and what markers link the family through history. To learn more or be involved in contributing a sample or some research, go to our DNA page here.

The Grist Family Branches

Over the centuries, the Grist family name has spread from England to various parts of the world, often adapting to regional variations in spelling and pronunciation. Despite these changes, the core of our heritage remains intact. Here, we introduce the different branches of the Grist family primarily focussed in Wessex, each with its own unique history and contributions. 

It was once believed that these branches were all of different unrelated families, but recent research and statistical analysis has uncovered possible ‘missing links’ and connections which link all the branches in Wessex together.

Grists of Hampshire

Hampshire, a county in the south of England, is one of the most prominent locations associated with the Grist family. Records dating back to the 16th century highlight the Hampshire Grists’ involvement in the milling industry, known for their expertise in flour production. Many members of this branch were also engaged in farming and agriculture, contributing significantly to the local economy.

The family tree for the Grists of Hampshire is currently under construction and is available for viewing here.

Grists of Wiltshire

Another important branch of the Grist family is rooted in Westbury and Lacock in Wiltshire, two picturesque villages in the south-west of England. The Wiltshire Grists have deep ties to the area, with records going back to the early 17th century. Known for their successful dairy farming and cheese production, the Wiltshire Grists also played a vital role in the local brewing industry, operating several pubs in the region.

The Wiltshire Grists are among the oldest recorded families in the county, with notable members such as Richard Grist, born in Lacock in 1625. Over the centuries, the family expanded into various trades, including wool and cloth production, and some members held significant community roles as constables, churchwardens, and overseers of the poor. 

The family tree for the Grists of Wiltshire is currently under construction and is available for viewing here.

Grists of Middlesex

The Grist family also has a strong presence in Middlesex, a historic county in south-east England. The Middlesex Grists were predominantly involved in the milling industry, known for their high-quality flour production. Additionally, many members of this branch ventured into trade and commerce, establishing several successful businesses in the region.