Wellington, Somerset, England


Latitude: 50.978432, Longitude: -3.227515


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Birth   Person ID 
1 Alway, Jane  14 Nov 1821I7147
2 Rice, Frederick  Jul 1854I7149
3 Rice, Georgina  Jan 1863I7235
4 Rice, John  14 Mar 1821I7146
5 Rice, John  Apr 1847I7148
6 Rice, Mary  1 Aug 1842I7231
7 Rice, William Francis  Mar 1860I7150


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Christening   Person ID 
1 Rice, Thomas  3 Mar 1844I7141


Matches 1 to 13 of 13

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Residence   Person ID 
1 Alway, Jane  1851I7147
2 Alway, Jane  1861I7147
3 Parker, John Sylvester  1851I10394
4 Rice, Frederick  1861I7149
5 Rice, John  1851I7146
6 Rice, John  1851I7148
7 Rice, John  1861I7146
8 Rice, John  1861I7148
9 Rice, Mary  1851I7231
10 Rice, Thomas  1851I7141
11 Rice, Thomas  1861I7141
12 Rice, William Francis  1861I7150
13 Wear Parker, Mary  1851I10502


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

  Family   Marriage   Family ID 
1Rice / Alway  26 Mar 1841F1739
2Winter /   Apr 1900F10210