Towns, Georgia, USA


Latitude: 34.918640, Longitude: -83.739105


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Birth   Person ID 
1 Berrong, Dora Belle  6 Sep 1880Towns, Georgia, USA I3075
2 Berrong, Howell Cobb  1855Towns, Georgia, USA I2685
3 Berrong, Joseph Marion  12 Apr 1852Towns, Georgia, USA I2692
4 Berrong, Judson P  14 Sep 1872Towns, Georgia, USA I2660
5 Berrong, Lydia  23 Jul 1836Towns, Georgia, USA I2696
6 Berrong, Sumner J  29 May 1857Towns, Georgia, USA I2694
7 England, Lizzie  12 Jun 1882Towns, Georgia, USA I2499
8 Kelley, Tassie Matilda  1 Jul 1900Towns, Georgia, USA I2898


Matches 1 to 6 of 6

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Death   Person ID 
1 Berrong, Malinda H  1860Towns, Georgia, USA I2691
2 Brown, Benjamin M  1 Sep 1863Towns, Georgia, USA I2476
3 England, Lizzie  23 Aug 1900Towns, Georgia, USA I2499
4 Grist, Charlotte Minerva  9 Jan 1885Towns, Georgia, USA I2584
5 Hooper, Kissiah  16 Jun 1880Towns, Georgia, USA I2478
6 Osborn, Malinda Jane Haseltine  1860Towns, Georgia, USA I2700


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Residence   Person ID 
1 Berrong, Isaac Washington  1860Towns, Georgia, USA I2651
2 Berrong, Isaac Washington  1870Towns, Georgia, USA I2651
3 Brown, David Lafayette  1860Towns, Georgia, USA I2497
4 Brown, David Lafayette  1870Towns, Georgia, USA I2497
5 Brown, Margarett Angel Holloway  1870Towns, Georgia, USA I2498
6 Grist, Charlotte Minerva  1870Towns, Georgia, USA I2584
7 Grist, Marinda Haseltine  1870Towns, Georgia, USA I2582


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

  Family   Marriage   Family ID 
1England / Grist  10 Nov 1875Towns, Georgia, USA F651