Tallmadge, Summit, Ohio, USA


Latitude: 41.101440, Longitude: -81.441765


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Death   Person ID 
1 Moore, Charles Earnest  11 Dec 1964I15515
2 Walters, John Steven  31 Aug 1899I1989


Matches 1 to 14 of 14

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Residence   Person ID 
1 Mayme S  1920I15513
2 Mayme S  1930I15513
3 Moore, Charles Earnest  1920I15515
4 Moore, Madonna Faith  1920I15518
5 Moore, Madonna Faith  1930I15518
6 Moore, Marjorie L  1920I15517
7 Moore, Virginia Blossom  1920I15514
8 Moore, Virginia Blossom  1930I15514
9 Schilt, Sylvia May  1920I15516
10 Schilt, Sylvia May  1930I15516
11 Tisch, August M  1920I15512
12 Tisch, August M  1930I15512
13 Tisch, Elizabeth M  1920I15539
14 Tisch, Elizabeth M  1930I15539