Petersburg, Petersburg City, Virginia, USA



Matches 1 to 3 of 3

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Death   Person ID 
1 Dunbar, William Mason  26 Mar 1992I6235
2 Frazier, Harry Lee  15 Mar 1980I5670
3 Hart, Lula Mae  Oct 1989I5651


Matches 1 to 6 of 6

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Residence   Person ID 
1 Dunbar, Ella Elizabeth Luella  1940I6227
2 Dunbar, Mary Bland  1940I6237
3 Dunbar, Philip Howard  1940I6233
4 Dunbar, Robert Clarke  1940I6236
5 Dunbar, William Mason  1940I6235
6 Mason, Maude Amanda  1940I6234