Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA


Latitude: 39.441792, Longitude: -84.362366


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Earnst, Samuel Brady  29 Apr 1854Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13479
2 Earnst, William Howard  15 Apr 1877Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13490
3 Lalome, Nina May  27 Dec 1884Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13472


Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Earnst, Daniel Charles  1870Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13482
2 Earnst, David  1870Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13476
3 Earnst, John Willard  1870Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13481
4 Earnst, Salome E  1870Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13499
5 Earnst, Salome E  1880Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13499
6 Earnst, Samuel Brady  1870Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13479
7 Earnst, Sarah Virginia  1870Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13478
8 Earnst, Simon Andrew  1870Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13483
9 Ernest, Oliver Albert  1870Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13480
10 Sibert, Mary Jane  1870Monroe, Allen, Ohio, USA I13477