Duffield, Derbyshire, England


Latitude: 52.966667, Longitude: -1.483333


Matches 1 to 12 of 12

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Birth   Person ID 
1 Sarah  Abt 1666I23221
2 Botham, Ann  Apr 1702I23011
3 Buckstone, Doritha  1605I21767
4 Buckstones, William  1575I23349
5 Key, John  1612I33209
6 Knych, Barbara  1581I33211
7 Stewardson, Edith  Jul 1667I21989
8 Stewardson, Richard  1595I23344
9 Tomlinson, Hannah  1664I24905
10 Tomlinson, Jane  1732I22635
11 Tomlinson, Samuel  Feb 1662I21624
12 Tomlinson, Samuel  Abt 1684I21009


Matches 1 to 6 of 6

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Death   Person ID 
1 Broockes, Edith  Abt Mar 1710I22702
2 Buckstone, Doritha  1699I21767
3 Stewardson, Richard  20 Feb 1667I23344
4 Tomlinson, Hannah  3 Jun 1721I24905
5 Tomlinson, Jane  Feb 1812I22635
6 Tomlinson, Samuel  5 Feb 1726I21624