Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA


Latitude: 38.372231, Longitude: -96.542755


Matches 1 to 14 of 14

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Residence   Person ID 
1 Coe, Ella Mae  1915Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13803
2 Coe, Ella Mae  1920Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13803
3 Coe, Ella Mae  1930Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13803
4 Coe, Ella Mae  1940Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13803
5 Coe, Leila Faye  1920Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13808
6 Coe, Robert Lee  1920Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13809
7 Coe, Wilfred Alton  1920Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13806
8 Coe, Wilfred Alton F  1920Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13810
9 Griest, D.R.   I13805
10 Griest, Daniel Thomas  Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13771
11 Griest, Daniel Thomas  1930Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13771
12 Griest, Daniel Thomas  1940Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13771
13 Griest, Leila Louise  1940Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13804
14 Patterson, Lula Myrtle  1920Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA I13807


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

  Family   Marriage   Family ID 
1Griest / Coe  17 Sep 1924Cottonwood Falls, Chase, Kansas, USA F3280
2Rowhuff / Griest   F3299