Bramley, Yorkshire, England



Matches 1 to 7 of 7

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Birth   Person ID 
1 Bennett, Abraham  Abt 1807Bramley, Yorkshire, England I30414
2 Bennett, Abraham  Abt 1841Bramley, Yorkshire, England I30603
3 Bennett, Jacob  Abt Feb 1855Bramley, Yorkshire, England I30832
4 Bennett, Jane  Abt 1848Bramley, Yorkshire, England I31058
5 Bennett, Maryann  Abt 1846Bramley, Yorkshire, England I30835
6 Bennett, Sarah  Bef 19 Feb 1811Bramley, Yorkshire, England I30582
7 Hesketh, Dorothy Mary  20 May 1907Bramley, Yorkshire, England I23078


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Residence   Person ID 
1 Bennett, Abraham  1851Bramley, Yorkshire, England I30414
2 Bennett, Abraham  1851Bramley, Yorkshire, England I30603
3 Bennett, Christiana  1851Bramley, Yorkshire, England I30924
4 Bennett, Jacob  1851Bramley, Yorkshire, England I30832
5 Bennett, Jane  1851Bramley, Yorkshire, England I31058
6 Bennett, Maryann  1851Bramley, Yorkshire, England I30835
7 Bennett, Sarah  1851Bramley, Yorkshire, England I30582


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

  Family   Marriage   Family ID 
1Hesketh / Brooks  10 Feb 1906Bramley, Yorkshire, England F6064