Richard Ashton

Richard Ashton

Male 1510 - 1578  (68 years)

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 Richard Ashton 
 P: Great Lever Manor, Lever. Lancashire, England -Held by the Lever's. Passed to Ralph Ashton by marriage, who became lord. This transfer to the Ashton's did not happen without opposition on the part of the Lever family. 
 P: Great Lever Manor, Lever. Lancashire, England -Held by the Lever's. Passed to Ralph Ashton by marriage, who became lord. This transfer to the Ashton's did not happen without opposition on the part of the Lever family. 
 Eleanor De Hulton 
 B:Abt 1475 
 P: The Park (Hulton Park/Manor), Over Hulton, Lancashire, England -In abt 1200 the Hulton's held 2 oxgangs of land, being the lordship of the Hulton family. Still held by the Hulton family. 
 P: Great Lever Manor, Lever. Lancashire, England -Held by the Lever's. Passed to Ralph Ashton by marriage, who became lord. This transfer to the Ashton's did not happen without opposition on the part of the Lever family.