1510 - 1578 (68 years)
Richard Ashton |  | B: | 1510 | P: | Great Lever Manor, Lever. Lancashire, England -Held by the Lever's. Passed to Ralph Ashton by marriage, who became lord. This transfer to the Ashton's did not happen without opposition on the part of the Lever family. | D: | 1578 | P: | Great Lever Manor, Lever. Lancashire, England -Held by the Lever's. Passed to Ralph Ashton by marriage, who became lord. This transfer to the Ashton's did not happen without opposition on the part of the Lever family. |
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Eleanor De Hulton |  | B: | Abt 1475 | P: | The Park (Hulton Park/Manor), Over Hulton, Lancashire, England -In abt 1200 the Hulton's held 2 oxgangs of land, being the lordship of the Hulton family. Still held by the Hulton family. | D: | 1558 | P: | Great Lever Manor, Lever. Lancashire, England -Held by the Lever's. Passed to Ralph Ashton by marriage, who became lord. This transfer to the Ashton's did not happen without opposition on the part of the Lever family. |
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