Stroud, Gloucestershire, England


Latitude: 51.745426, Longitude: -2.219861


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Charlotte  1818Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27682
2 Arkell, Edwin  1856Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27409
3 Arkell, Elizabeth  1850Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27345
4 Arkell, Ellen  1844Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26964
5 Arkell, Ethel  1858Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27553
6 Arkell, George  1840Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27574
7 Arkell, James  1807Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28228
8 Arkell, John  1848Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26737
9 Arkell, Kate A  1854Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27598
10 Arkell, William  1846Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27249
11 Bowerman, Clara Jane  1857Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28668
12 Bowerman, Elizabeth Anne  Abt 1864Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28523
13 Bowerman, George William  1858Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28847
14 Bowerman, James  Abt 1868Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28551
15 Bowerman, Mary Ellen  Abt 1862Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28373
16 Bowerman, Nellie  1866Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28707
17 Butler, Harriett Anna  17 Oct 1811Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27008
18 Chandler, Alfred Samuel  Abt 1902Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27614
19 Chandler, Alice Eleanor  Oct 1871Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28608
20 Chandler, Francis Edward  Jul 1875Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28485
21 Chandler, Mary Ann  1868Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28492
22 Dee, J.E.   I19873
23 Fowler, Nathaniel  1837Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I23828
24 Gabb, Susannah  Abt 1795Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28520
25 Griffin, Ernest William  Sep 1878Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26773
26 Griffin, Flora Augusta  Apr 1875Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26696
27 Grist, Bertha  Apr 1860Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28736
28 Grist, Bryan Smetham  Jan 1890Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28062
29 Grist, Caroline E  Jul 1858Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27194
30 Grist, Edward James  7 Mar 1866Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27284
31 Grist, Eliza Ellen  Jan 1847Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26881
32 Grist, Florence  Jul 1870Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I7702
33 Grist, Florence  Jul 1870Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27312
34 Grist, Geoffrey Smetham  30 Sep 1888Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28152
35 Grist, Harold Burroughs  Jan 1864Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26975
36 Grist, Harriet Emily  Oct 1844Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27294
37 Grist, Helena Beatrice  16 Apr 1869Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28410
38 Grist, Hilda Violet Morton  28 Jan 1881Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28573
39 Grist, J.K.J.   I19896
40 Grist, John  Abt 1846Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28462
41 Grist, John J  Abt 1824Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27277
42 Grist, Louis Boyd Brandreth  Jun 1866Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28317
43 Grist, Mabel Frances  Oct 1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27073
44 Grist, Matthew Henry  30 Jun 1829Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27968
45 Grist, Nigel Smetham  14 Jan 1887Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27986
46 Grist, Norah Constance  29 Nov 1870Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28601
47 Grist, Robert  Apr 1840Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27792
48 Grist, R.H.   I28222
49 Grist, Ronald  Jul 1868Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26624
50 Grist, Ruth J  1833Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27374

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
1 Bowerman, Clara Jane  9 Apr 1860Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28668
2 Grist, Harriet Emily  15 Jan 1864Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27294
3 Pegler, John James William  2 Jun 1833Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28385


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Arkell, Amelia Pearce  14 Dec 1925Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27952
2 Bale, Arthur  1 Apr 1894Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I25631
3 Benjamin, Katherine Kate  Jan 1948Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26807
4 Bowerman, George William  Jun 1934Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28847
5 Bowerman, Mary Grist  Oct 1930Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28346
6 Bubb, James  Oct 1855Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27771
7 Burroughs, Elizabeth Gregory  17 May 1858Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28562
8 Chandler, Alfred William  Jun 1939Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26634
9 Chandler, Arthur Henry  14 Dec 1949Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28470
10 Chandler, Francis Edward  Jul 1876Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28485
11 Day, Caroline  10 Jan 1937Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27581
12 Day, Charlotte  5 Apr 1891Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27617
13 Day, George  15 Jan 1888Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27384
14 Day, Julia  Jan 1915Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27591
15 Eadon, Elsie Mabel  29 Jan 1930Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26775
16 Fowler, Ann  Sep 1883Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I25713
17 Fowler, Sarah  Dec 1872Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I22541
18 Freebury, Patience  14 Sep 1935Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28348
19 Garland, Mary Maria  Oct 1951Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28015
20 Gillman, Ann Mary  Jan 1867Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28643
21 Griffin, Flora Augusta  Mar 1876Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26696
22 Grist, Alice Marian  3 Jan 1940Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27509
23 Grist, Charles  Jan 1912Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28533
24 Grist, Edward James  27 Aug 1956Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27284
25 Grist, Elizabeth Honor  Apr 1967Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I8367
26 Grist, Ethel Mary  13 Feb 1941Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28808
27 Grist, Harold Burroughs  Apr 1868Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26975
28 Grist, Mary  Jan 1907Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28333
29 Grist, Mary  Dec 1946Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27051
30 Grist, Mary Anne  20 Apr 1874Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27101
31 Grist, Matthew Henry  13 Mar 1932Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26761
32 Grist, Michael Lewis  Dec 1848Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27495
33 Grist, Patience  Apr 1887Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27092
34 Grist, Ruth J  Jun 1917Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27374
35 Grist, Ruth Lewis  Jan 1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26600
36 Grist, Sarah F  Jan 1917Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28872
37 Grist, William Charles  Sep 1867Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26829
38 Gunter, Elizabeth  15 Nov 1950Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26861
39 Harrison, Charlotte  29 Sep 1896Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27998
40 Harrison, George JNR  Jan 1879Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27444
41 Harrison, Sarah  Apr 1904Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28409
42 Harrison, Sylvia  Jan 1916Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27669
43 Herbert, Elizabeth Sylvia  Dec 1873Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27912
44 Hunt, Sarah Frances  Jan 1917Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28160
45 Jones, Joseph  23 Jan 1912Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28408
46 Jones, Marion Smetham  8 Dec 1896Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28259
47 Jones, Sarah  22 Nov 1891Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28617
48 Lewis, Lilian Milicent  7 Sep 1971Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28091
49 Lewis, Robert  Jul 1932Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27373
50 McCormack, Fredrick Grenan  19 Feb 1938Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28415

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Bowerman, Mary Grist  Jan 1866Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28346
2 Packer, Arabella  1822Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28313


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Grist, William Charles  8 Sep 1899Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27930
2 Packer, Arabella  Oct 1871Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28313


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Charlotte  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27682
2 Arkell, Amelia Pearce  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27952
3 Arkell, Amelia Pearce  1918Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27952
4 Arkell, Edwin  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27409
5 Arkell, Elizabeth  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27345
6 Arkell, Ellen  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26964
7 Arkell, Ethel  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27553
8 Arkell, James  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28228
9 Arkell, John  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26737
10 Arkell, Kate A  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27598
11 Arkell, William  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27249
12 Benjamin, Katherine Kate  1918Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26807
13 Bowerman, Clara Jane  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28668
14 Bowerman, Clara Jane  1871Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28668
15 Bowerman, Elizabeth Anne  1871Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28523
16 Bowerman, Elizabeth Anne  1881Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28523
17 Bowerman, George William  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28847
18 Bowerman, George William  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28234
19 Bowerman, George William  1871Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28847
20 Bowerman, George William  1871Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28234
21 Bowerman, George William  1881Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28234
22 Bowerman, George William  1891Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28234
23 Bowerman, George William  1901Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28234
24 Bowerman, James  1871Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28551
25 Bowerman, James  1881Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28551
26 Bowerman, James  1891Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28551
27 Bowerman, James  1901Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28551
28 Bowerman, Mary Ellen  1871Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28373
29 Bowerman, Mary Ellen  1881Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28373
30 Bowerman, Mary Grist  1871Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28346
31 Bowerman, Mary Grist  1881Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28346
32 Bowerman, Mary Grist  1891Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28346
33 Bowerman, Nellie  1891Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28707
34 Bruton, Shirley Amstranther  1931Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27385
35 Bruton, Shirley Amstranther  1949Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27385
36 Bruton, Shirley Amstranther  1950Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27385
37 Bruton, Shirley Amstranther  1951Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27385
38 Bruton, Shirley Amstranther  1952Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27385
39 Burroughs, Elizabeth Gregory  1851Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28562
40 Chappell, Daniel Jesse  1926Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I8413
41 Davis, John  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28270
42 Davis, John  1861Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27975
43 Davis, John  1871Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27975
44 Davis, Mary Ann  1871Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27689
45 Dee, J.E.   I19873
46 Dee, J.E.   I19873
47 Eadon, Elsie Mabel  1918Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I26775
48 Fortune, Ann  1851Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27341
49 Franklin, Elizabeth  1851Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I27436
50 Gillman, Ann Mary  1851Stroud, Gloucestershire, England I28643

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   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Bowerman /   Jul 1856Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10744
2 Day /   Jul 1875Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10715
3 Day / Grist  1 Aug 1844Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F7004
4 Ferguson / Grist   F4677
5 Grist /   Oct 1837Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10733
6 Grist /   Jan 1852Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10700
7 Grist /   Jul 1856Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10752
8 Grist /   Jan 1875Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10682
9 Grist /   Jul 1885Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10766
10 Grist /   Jul 1889Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10777
11 Grist /   Oct 1898Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10716
12 Grist /   Oct 1903Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10772
13 Grist /   Jul 1904Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10677
14 Grist /   Apr 1912Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10753
15 Grist / Dee   F4666
16 Grist / Joel  Oct 1898Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F7010
17 Grist / Roberts  Jul 1960Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F7243
18 Groves /   Jan 1841Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10762
19 Gunter /   Jul 1884Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10689
20 Morse / Ashmeade  12 Aug 1797Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F7292
21 Niblett / Bullock  Apr 1893Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F7279
22 Niblett / Truman  Apr 1874Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F6946
23 Packer / Packer  22 Aug 1822Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F7057
24 Webb / Grist   F4676


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   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 Grist /   Oct 1903Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F10772
2 Grist / Roberts  Sep 1960Stroud, Gloucestershire, England F7243