Staffordshire, England


Latitude: 52.811050, Longitude: -1.866700


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Elizabeth  1547Staffordshire, England I31833
2 Allen, Elizabeth  1685Staffordshire, England I31402
3 Betteridge, John  1782Staffordshire, England I22803
4 Cogney, Margery  1500Staffordshire, England I24896
5 Judson, J.   I19899
6 Lewis, John  1873Staffordshire, England I17358
7 Rowbottom, John  1547Staffordshire, England I31832
8 Wilson, Roger Jonas  Abt 1555Staffordshire, England I25353
9 Wilson Buxton, William  1535Staffordshire, England I33627


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Elizabeth  Staffordshire, England I31833
2 Bembricke, Thomas  Abt 1655Staffordshire, England I33571
3 Bowerman, Clara Jane  23 Apr 1924Staffordshire, England I28668
4 Dyke, Florence Jane  Apr 1911Staffordshire, England I8219
5 Good, George  16 Nov 1885Staffordshire, England I10370
6 Lowndes, Joane  23 Jun 1609Staffordshire, England I22063
7 Poynton, Hannah  1783Staffordshire, England I23296
8 Rowbottom, John  Staffordshire, England I31832


Matches 1 to 7 of 7

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Coates, Frederick Noel  1939Staffordshire, England I27649
2 Coates, Frederick William  1939Staffordshire, England I27816
3 Grist, Maud Lydia  1939Staffordshire, England I9499
4 Lawton, Joseph George  1939Staffordshire, England I18960
5 New, Annie Emma  1939Staffordshire, England I19071
6 Nutt, Mary  1939Staffordshire, England I27556
7 Peyton, Benjamin  1939Staffordshire, England I9638


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Tomlinson / Mitchell  1 Mar 1645Staffordshire, England F5875