Southampton, Hampshire, England


Latitude: 50.900002, Longitude: -1.400000


Matches 1 to 28 of 28

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Butler, Elisabeth  17 Feb 1656Southampton, Hampshire, England I33227
2 Davidson, C.J.   I19405
3 Davidson, L.S.   I19406
4 Dawkins, Ann Kathleen  23 Jan 1938Southampton, Hampshire, England I23405
5 Dixon, Ellen Sarah J  Abt 1852Southampton, Hampshire, England I24518
6 Gearey, Dorothy Rose  1897Southampton, Hampshire, England I20688
7 Gearey, Eva Kate  Dec 1900Southampton, Hampshire, England I25602
8 Gearey, Frederick Arthur  1868Southampton, Hampshire, England I22878
9 Gearey, Nellie May  1890Southampton, Hampshire, England I24491
10 Grist, A.R.   I18342
11 Grist, F.J.   I18343
12 Grist, John Walter  8 Dec 1926Southampton, Hampshire, England I9453
13 Grist, S.A.   I7911
14 Grist, Walter George  4 Jun 1905Southampton, Hampshire, England I20583
15 Grist, William Joseph  Abt Dec 1850Southampton, Hampshire, England I25912
16 Hoffmann, John Peter Carl  1 Jul 1884Southampton, Hampshire, England I29431
17 Hulbert, Bridget Mary  21 May 1948Southampton, Hampshire, England I22248
18 King, M.L.   I9454
19 Lee, May J E  14 Sep 1888Southampton, Hampshire, England I23746
20 Lush, J.F.   I25295
21 Offer, Reginald William George  18 Aug 1901Southampton, Hampshire, England I21417
22 Pearce, Edward  1878Southampton, Hampshire, England I32299
23 Reynolds, E.A.   I11331
24 Simmonds, J.G.   I18436
25 Southwell, Emma  Dec 1859Southampton, Hampshire, England I22978
26 Stone, Ellen  1857Southampton, Hampshire, England I22285
27 Viney, L.K.   I24404
28 Viney, P.J.   I22581


Matches 1 to 40 of 40

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Arnell, Joseph  7 Oct 1876Southampton, Hampshire, England I22095
2 Betteridge, Jessie Eva Mary  Apr 1988Southampton, Hampshire, England I21931
3 Betteridge, Louisa Evelyn  Jun 1948Southampton, Hampshire, England I21354
4 Bindoff, Ethel Lilian  Mar 1965Southampton, Hampshire, England I94
5 Birkett, Louisa Anne  Jan 1955Southampton, Hampshire, England I31744
6 Blizard, Archibald Leonard  Apr 1979Southampton, Hampshire, England I23701
7 Blizard, Henry Archibald  Apr 1937Southampton, Hampshire, England I22031
8 Bradbeer, Mervyn Ernest Granville  14 Jul 2021Southampton, Hampshire, England I10837
9 Butler, Edith Alena  Apr 1951Southampton, Hampshire, England I23508
10 Crook, Beatrice Kate  3 Apr 1951Southampton, Hampshire, England I20566
11 Ford, Henry  10 Oct 1841Southampton, Hampshire, England I20539
12 Gearey, Eva Kate  Dec 1965Southampton, Hampshire, England I25602
13 Gearey, Frederick Arthur  25 Jun 1944Southampton, Hampshire, England I22878
14 Greest, Elizabeth  Sep 1875Southampton, Hampshire, England I20515
15 Grist, Charles Edward  Aug 1987Southampton, Hampshire, England I20570
16 Grist, David James  14 Feb 1962Southampton, Hampshire, England I25367
17 Grist, Irene Beatrice  11 Feb 1937Southampton, Hampshire, England I20569
18 Grist, Muriel Agnes  3 Aug 1988Southampton, Hampshire, England I27488
19 Grist, Ronald George  Jan 2002Southampton, Hampshire, England I20631
20 Grist, Walter George  9 Dec 1905Southampton, Hampshire, England I20583
21 Herbert, Edward John  Mar 1923Southampton, Hampshire, England I25880
22 Herbert, Martha  Sep 1921Southampton, Hampshire, England I25879
23 Hulbert, Bridget Mary  3 Apr 2012Southampton, Hampshire, England I22248
24 Hulbert, Richard Francis  1 Feb 2000Southampton, Hampshire, England I22165
25 Jones, Mavis Eileen  1 May 1999Southampton, Hampshire, England I9757
26 Lush, Charles  23 Dec 1873Southampton, Hampshire, England I24860
27 Lush, Edward  1889Southampton, Hampshire, England I22868
28 Moody, Luther Barry  25 Mar 1926Southampton, Hampshire, England I24629
29 Parker, Walter Bernard  15 Apr 1960Southampton, Hampshire, England I28676
30 Pearce, Alice  Mar 1972Southampton, Hampshire, England I32321
31 Pearce, Edward James  17/2/1930Southampton, Hampshire, England I32298
32 Pearce, Walter  Jun 1960Southampton, Hampshire, England I32327
33 Pyle, Clara Kate  Oct 1989Southampton, Hampshire, England I22282
34 Pyle, Emily Rhoda  1989Southampton, Hampshire, England I21558
35 Smart, Eliza  1902Southampton, Hampshire, England I26465
36 Southwell, Emma  5 Dec 1932Southampton, Hampshire, England I22978
37 Southwell, Phillis  Mar 1928Southampton, Hampshire, England I25121
38 Wakeford, Jane  Jan 1915Southampton, Hampshire, England I26060
39 Webb, Winifred Nora  24 May 1984Southampton, Hampshire, England I20589
40 Winter, Daniel  Dec 1921Southampton, Hampshire, England I16172


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Miell, John  1860Southampton, Hampshire, England I23450


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Bindoff, Ethel Lilian  Jan-Feb-Mar 1965Southampton, Hampshire, England I94


Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Departure    Person ID 
1 Adams, Nora  Southampton, Hampshire, England I16678
2 Grist, George Alexander  Southampton, Hampshire, England I28692
3 Grist, Sarah  Southampton, Hampshire, England I2128


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Grist, E.M.   I28328
2 Grist, E.A.   I28644
3 Grist, Helen  6 Jun 1885Southampton, Hampshire, England I23797
4 Grist, John Walter  1954Southampton, Hampshire, England I9453
5 Grist, Peter Randall  Southampton, Hampshire, England I25129
6 Howard, Linda Beryl  Southampton, Hampshire, England I25433
7 Hulbert, Richard Francis  Southampton, Hampshire, England I22165
8 Lockyer, M.A.   I32496
9 Purkiss, Alison Mary  Between 2003 and 2004Southampton, Hampshire, England I27735


Matches 1 to 15 of 15

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Christmas / Walbridge  1908Southampton, Hampshire, England F6513
2 Curtis / Blay  Oct 1926Southampton, Hampshire, England F5877
3 Dawkins / Moorhouse   F6235
4 Gearey / Southwell  1889Southampton, Hampshire, England F5602
5 Grist / Boyd  Dec 1925Southampton, Hampshire, England F4830
6 Grist / Dibble   F4334
7 Grist / King   F2249
8 Grist / Newell   F6184
9 Howse / Lush   F5076
10 Hulbert / Harris   F6091
11 Hulbert / Place   F5289
12 Lush / Dixon  1886Southampton, Hampshire, England F5600
13 Lush / Stone  1879Southampton, Hampshire, England F6167
14 Saunders / Grist   F5227
15 Viney / McNeill   F6127