Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England


Latitude: 51.737000, Longitude: -2.224341


Matches 1 to 32 of 32

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Barter, Anne  1858Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27597
2 Barter, George  1 Apr 1828Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28020
3 Barter, James William  Jan 1856Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26636
4 Barter, Lydia  1851Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26801
5 Barter, Mary Sophia  Oct 1866Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28541
6 Barter, Thomas  1859Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27505
7 Bullock, Emma Elizabeth  9 Mar 1870Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27271
8 Chandler, Alfred William  Apr 1872Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26634
9 Chandler, Arthur Henry  17 Apr 1874Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28470
10 Chandler, Clara  Apr 1870Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28401
11 Chandler, Florence Ethel  Dec 1900Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27398
12 Day, Adolphus Edward  26 Dec 1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27293
13 Day, Edith Annie  7 Oct 1885Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27467
14 Fowler, Hester  1621Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I23642
15 Gillman, Ann Mary  Abt 1813Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28643
16 Grist, Charles  8 Nov 1872Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27405
17 Grist, Eliza Helen  19 Jun 1889Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26648
18 Grist, Ernest Richard  Jul 1868Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28565
19 Grist, Frederick Tacon  3 Apr 1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26596
20 Grist, Sarah Ann  Dec 1859Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26960
21 King, Henry  Abt 1865Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26849
22 King, William  Abt 1879Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27169
23 Niblett, Alfred William  Oct 1871Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28526
24 Niblett, Ivy Gertrude  9 May 1896Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27276
25 Niblett, Lizzie Anabella  Oct 1893Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26841
26 Partridge, Samuel Hook  Apr 1846Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27541
27 Welling, Elizabeth Jane  Abt 1845Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28881
28 Welling, Emily Hannah  Apr 1842Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28659
29 Welling, Henry  Abt 1849Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27029
30 Welling, Mary Hobbs  Abt 1840Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28791
31 Welling, Selina Gettmay  Abt 1832Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28546
32 Wynn, Hester  Aug 1759Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27599


Matches 1 to 6 of 6

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
1 Grist, Charles  4 Apr 1830Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28777
2 Grist, Elizabeth  7 Nov 1824Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27197
3 Grist, Frederick Tacon  13 May 1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26596
4 Grist, Robert  2 Sep 1827Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26785
5 Grist, William Frederick  11 Feb 1862Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26928
6 Hatton, Charles Henry  19 Mar 1868Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28167


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Hatton, Charles Henry  22 Dec 1866Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28358
2 Packer, Arabella  Dec 1871Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28313
3 Truman, Rhoda Wood Freeman  Dec 1910Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28347
4 Wynn, Hester  4 Jun 1800Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27599


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Grist, Josephine Janet  24 May 1946Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28506
2 Grist, Mary  25 Nov 1946Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27051
3 Niblett, Alfred William  10 Feb 1943Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28526
4 Packer, Arabella  23 Oct 1871Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28313


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Barter, Anne  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27597
2 Barter, Arthur  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28344
3 Barter, George  1851Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28020
4 Barter, George  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28020
5 Barter, James William  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26636
6 Barter, Lydia  1851Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26801
7 Barter, Lydia  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26801
8 Barter, Mary Sophia  1891Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28541
9 Benjamin, Katherine Kate  1911Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26807
10 Bullock, Emma Elizabeth  1901Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27271
11 Chandler, Alfred William  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26634
12 Chandler, Alfred William  1891Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26634
13 Chandler, Alfred William  1901Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26634
14 Chandler, Arthur Henry  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28470
15 Chandler, Arthur Henry  1891Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28470
16 Chandler, Clara  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28401
17 Chandler, Ernest William  1901Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27468
18 Chandler, Florence Ethel  1901Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27398
19 Chandler, John Alfred  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28053
20 Day, Arthur William  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28596
21 Day, Caroline  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27581
22 Day, Douglas Harry  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28250
23 Day, George  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27384
24 Freebury, Patience  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28348
25 Grist, Florence Annie  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26718
26 Grist, Frederick Tacon  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26596
27 Grist, John Hatton  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27122
28 Grist, John J  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27277
29 Grist, Mary  1901Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27051
30 Grist, Ruth Jane  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27546
31 Grist, Walter Henry  1911Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28842
32 Grist, William  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28723
33 Grist, William Frederick  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26928
34 Grist, William George  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27743
35 Hurcombe, Mary  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28337
36 Hurcombe, Mary  1891Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28337
37 Neale, Joseph  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27720
38 Neale, Mary Smith Butler  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28327
39 Niblett, Alfred  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27166
40 Niblett, Alfred  1891Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27166
41 Niblett, Alfred William  1881Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28526
42 Niblett, Alfred William  1891Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28526
43 Niblett, Alfred William  1901Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28526
44 Niblett, Ivy Gertrude  1901Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27276
45 Niblett, Lizzie Anabella  1901Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26841
46 Packer, Arabella  1851Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28313
47 Packer, Arabella  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I28313
48 Partridge, Samuel Hook  1861Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27541
49 Partridge, Sarah Packer  1851Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I26625
50 Partridge, Thomas  1851Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England I27038

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Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Barter / Freeman  6 Oct 1888Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England F7240
2 Hatton / Grist  5 Jul 1866Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England F7244
3 Neale / Packer  Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England F7080
4 Niblett / Grist  29 Oct 1837Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England F6944


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 Barter / Freeman  Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England F7240
2 Hatton / Grist  Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England F7244
3 Neale / Packer  10 Oct 1854Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England F7080
4 Niblett / Grist  Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England F6944
5 Niblett / Grist  5 Nov 1837Rodborough, Gloucestershire, England F6944