Québec, Canada


Latitude: 47.427750, Longitude: -71.880478


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Birth   Person ID 
1 Hetu, Archie  25 Sep 1894I14848
2 Hetu, Ethel May  Oct 1879I14849
3 Marcus, Aline  1877I29817
4 Marcus, Clara  1876I29756


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Death   Person ID 
1 Crowe, Catherine Kathleen  1976I27367
2 Crowe, Francis Gordon  1931I27564


Matches 1 to 23 of 23

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Arrival   Person ID 
1 Corry, Irene Winnifred  I29837
2 Grist, Albert Edward  I19681
3 Grist, Bessie  8 Jul 1935I223
4 Grist, Cyril James  1927I24801
5 Grist, Elsie Kelsie May  I30185
6 Grist, Florence  3 Aug 1912I16724
7 Grist, Freda Doris E  I27576
8 Grist, Gladys Winifred  2 Jul 1919I30338
9 Grist, Irene Florence  18 Nov 1935I2023
10 Grist, James Anderson  19 Sep 1924I19982
11 Grist, James Anderson  20 May 1931I19982
12 Grist, James William  I19636
13 Grist, John Cyril  31 Aug 1946I9652
14 Grist, Joseph Edward  21 Jul 1912I30270
15 Grist, Sylvia Mary  19 Sep 1924I19983
16 Grist, Sylvia Mary  20 May 1931I19983
17 Grist, William Henry  1923I9471
18 Hildebrand, Jacob Hamilton MD  1875I12748
19 Mathis, Lilian Daisy  May 1923I9474
20 Mitchell, Archibald  27 Sep 1914I9777
21 Shepherd, Gladys Eileen  22 Oct 1933I22837
22 Simpson, Ivy Lily  10 Jun 1920I28182
23 Westwood, Jessie Barclay  4 Jun 1912I30407


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Departure   Person ID 
1 Grist, Elsie Kelsie May  I30185
2 Grist, William Henry  I9471
3 Hughes, John Arthur  I9232
4 Mathis, Lilian Daisy  I9474


Matches 1 to 11 of 11

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Residence   Person ID 
1 Dansie, Thomas  1901I30160
2 Green, Arthur  1901I29464
3 Green, Mark  1901I29873
4 Green, Mark Lewis  1901I30217
5 Green, William Vernon  1901I29497
6 Grist, Annie Anna  1901I30579
7 Grist, Lucy  1901I30068
8 Marcus, Caroline Edith  1901I30225
9 Marcus, Edward Gustavis  1901I29903
10 Marcus, George Grist Barnes  1901I29461
11 Marcus, Hector Louis  1901I29813