Kentucky, USA


Latitude: 37.825001, Longitude: -84.233337


Matches 1 to 25 of 25

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 C.S.   I14612
2 Brandenburg, Myrtle  Jun 1892Kentucky, USA I5825
3 Brandenburgh, Loula  Feb 1898Kentucky, USA I5827
4 Conrad, Abraham Isaac  Nov 1861Kentucky, USA I15747
5 Conrad, James Abraham  Sep 1889Kentucky, USA I15749
6 Conrad, John Thomas  Mar 1894Kentucky, USA I15750
7 Conrad, Lula  Mar 1867Kentucky, USA I15748
8 Cornwell, Emmett Jack  30 Sep 1905Kentucky, USA I15822
9 Crowe, Inri William  16 Jun 1906Kentucky, USA I15787
10 Dunlavy, Andrew J  Abt 1810Kentucky, USA I6079
11 Dunlavy, James  1838Kentucky, USA I6045
12 Dunlavy, John C  1845Kentucky, USA I6046
13 Dyson, Angeline  1822Kentucky, USA I5500
14 Howe, Margery  14 Nov 1801Kentucky, USA I5064
15 Howe, Martha Ann  17 Feb 1817Kentucky, USA I5062
16 Howe, Sarah Susan T D  1805Kentucky, USA I5063
17 James, Barbara  1802Kentucky, USA I14712
18 Johnson, Frances  27 Jan 1822Kentucky, USA I5185
19 Marshall, Samuel  Jun 1862Kentucky, USA I13758
20 McClure, Eslie  Abt 1900Kentucky, USA I4213
21 Norwood, Nancy Jane  1832Kentucky, USA I4343
22 Pinkerton, William  1802Kentucky, USA I5133
23 Stafford, Dorothy Loressie Dott Ressa  Sep 1885Kentucky, USA I5589
24 Stafford, Frank  Dec 1854Kentucky, USA I5587
25 Terhune, William Van Arsdale  11 Apr 1881Kentucky, USA I3465


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 McClure, Eslie  Abt 1970Kentucky, USA I4213
2 Wireman, John  1880Kentucky, USA I14555


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Clark, George Henry  Kentucky, USA I15033
2 Griest, Harriet Philipine  Kentucky, USA I15002


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 McClure / Wyatt  1896Kentucky, USA F1028