Hertfordshire, England


Latitude: 51.821514, Longitude: -0.056104


Matches 1 to 17 of 17

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Margaret  Abt 1655Hertfordshire, England I33540
2 Sarah  Abt 1665Hertfordshire, England I32882
3 Arthur, Mary  Abt 1695Hertfordshire, England I21031
4 Barton, Benjamin  Abt 1690Hertfordshire, England I32858
5 Deerman, Joan  Abt 1550Hertfordshire, England I33646
6 Freeman, Michall Richard  1560Hertfordshire, England I33806
7 Grace, Thomas  1648Hertfordshire, England I32974
8 Grinnell, John  1543Hertfordshire, England I33472
9 Haynes, Marjorie M  Sep 1914Hertfordshire, England I23859
10 Pratchett, John  1675Hertfordshire, England I32878
11 Pratchett, William  1 Jan 1650Hertfordshire, England I33310
12 Quint, Robert  Abt 1690Hertfordshire, England I32859
13 Saywell, Sarah  Abt 1690Hertfordshire, England I32860
14 Saywell, Thomas  Abt 1660Hertfordshire, England I32881
15 Stintsam, Joan  Abt 1610Hertfordshire, England I32197
16 Vere, William  1600Hertfordshire, England I31281
17 Yates, Katherine  1609Hertfordshire, England I31185


Matches 1 to 9 of 9

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Ann  1756Hertfordshire, England I32776
2 Barnes, John  Oct 1902Hertfordshire, England I1718
3 Burneshead, Sir Robert Thomas Bellingham of  Abt 1540Hertfordshire, England I33479
4 Harding, Elizabeth  1719Hertfordshire, England I32985
5 Hunt, James  Oct 1802Hertfordshire, England I21425
6 Player, Thomas  Abt 1780Hertfordshire, England I25676
7 Staines, Joseph  1864Hertfordshire, England I24974
8 Wyman, Francis  1695Hertfordshire, England I32560
9 Yates, Katherine  6 May 1639Hertfordshire, England I31185


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Cutt, Percival Alfred Edward  11 Jun 1974Hertfordshire, England I22944
2 Kenzie, Edith Mary  23 Aug 1991Hertfordshire, England I21225


Matches 1 to 34 of 34

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Bell, Dorothy Mary  1939Hertfordshire, England I6726
2 Bell, George William  1939Hertfordshire, England I6725
3 Blows, Florence Elizabeth  1939Hertfordshire, England I22870
4 Cutt, Percival Alfred Edward  1939Hertfordshire, England I22944
5 Edwards, Edith May  1939Hertfordshire, England I24584
6 Fowler, Isobel  1939Hertfordshire, England I21163
7 Grieves, Ethel  1939Hertfordshire, England I29556
8 Grist, Alice Florence  1939Hertfordshire, England I6708
9 Grist, Cornelia Jane  1939Hertfordshire, England I93
10 Grist, Dorothy Ellis  1939Hertfordshire, England I29163
11 Grist, Edith Florence Lilian  1939Hertfordshire, England I28915
12 Grist, Edith Gertrude  1939Hertfordshire, England I8962
13 Grist, Ernest Garfield  1939Hertfordshire, England I30267
14 Grist, Gladys Alice  1939Hertfordshire, England I10875
15 Grist, Pamela Margaret  1939Hertfordshire, England I389
16 Grist, Thomas Bowen  1939Hertfordshire, England I227
17 Harrison, William Lewis  1939Hertfordshire, England I23920
18 Horton, Henry Bernard Trevor  1939Hertfordshire, England I29130
19 Jenkins, Arthur G H  1939Hertfordshire, England I6730
20 Kenzie, Ada  1939Hertfordshire, England I24826
21 Kenzie, Alec Frank  1937Hertfordshire, England I22665
22 Kenzie, Alec Frank  1939Hertfordshire, England I22665
23 Kenzie, Edith Mary  1939Hertfordshire, England I21225
24 Kenzie, Graham J  1939Hertfordshire, England I23099
25 Kenzie, Hazel Joan  1939Hertfordshire, England I20666
26 Kenzie, Herbert Roy  1939Hertfordshire, England I23269
27 Kenzie, Leonard John  1939Hertfordshire, England I25549
28 Kenzie, Percival Donald  1926Hertfordshire, England I23730
29 Kenzie, Percival Donald  1939Hertfordshire, England I23730
30 Kluht, Percy Charles  1902Hertfordshire, England I27526
31 Merritt, William Frank  1939Hertfordshire, England I413
32 Morgan, Gwyneth  1939Hertfordshire, England I388
33 Shildrick, Daisy Maud  1939Hertfordshire, England I21193
34 Versluys, Edward  1939Hertfordshire, England I10854


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Haynes / Wilkinson  1900Hertfordshire, England F5141