Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England


Latitude: 52.116665, Longitude: 0.066667


Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Allen, Mary  May 1763Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I25729
2 Bush, Sarah  1803Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I22815
3 Kensey, John  1811Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I22661
4 Kensey, William  1816Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I24840
5 Kenzey, Charlotte  1814Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I25795
6 Kenzie, Mary Ann  1808Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I23729
7 King, Arthur  1884Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I22617
8 Nelson, John  Abt 1581Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I33551
9 Nelson, Mary Marie  22 Apr 1613Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I33497
10 Wright, Mary Ann  1849Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I23103


Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Allen, Newman  4 Jun 1792Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I30967
2 Kenzie, Mary Ann  5 Sep 1809Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I23729
3 Mead, George  26 Oct 1842Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I23516
4 Pink, William  1669Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England I33496


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Kenzey / Grey  1 May 1804Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England F5548
2 Mead / Bush  15 Oct 1821Foxton, Cambridgeshire, England F5395