Elham, Kent, England


Latitude: 51.153770, Longitude: 1.110679


Matches 1 to 14 of 14

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Birth   Person ID 
1 Grist, Albert Ernest  Apr 1904I9613
2 Grist, C.J.  I9784
3 Grist, Grace Amelia  29 Aug 1908I9552
4 Holladay, Ann  Abt 1837I8801
5 Holladay, Thomas  Abt 1799I8850
6 Holliday, Edwin  1840I8802
7 Holliday, Edwin  1844I8849
8 Holliday, Emma  1842I8848
9 Holliday, Martha  1835I8803
10 Holliday, Mary Ann  1832I8847
11 Huntley, Claud Alfred  16 Sep 1934I9612
12 Huntley, Cyril Alfred  8 May 1903I9618
13 Huntley, Ernest Claude  4 Jun 1896I9611
14 May, Blucher J  Oct 1890I9648


Matches 1 to 17 of 17

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Death   Person ID 
1 Almond, Mary  Oct 1855I9711
2 Bourne, Robert  23 Jun 1863I9440
3 Grist, Anne  Mar 1894I7899
4 Grist, Louisa Esther  19 May 1905I8815
5 Grist, Thomas Adolphus  28 Apr 1908I9099
6 Holladay, Ann  Sep 1918I8801
7 Holladay, Thomas  Jun 1858I8850
8 Holliday, Edwin  Apr 1898I8849
9 Holliday, Martha  19 Dec 1903I8803
10 Holliday, Sarah  6 Apr 1866I8846
11 Huntley, Olive Mary  Jan 1940I9616
12 Newman, Sarah Jane  Jun 1924I9520
13 Penfold, Rosa  Apr 1901I9502
14 Setterfield, Alfred  Sep QTR 1939I9366
15 Sharp, Robert  Sep 1933I9732
16 Sharp, Thirza Louisa  Dec 1930I9709
17 Spratt, Frederick Cyril  Apr 1902I9506


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Birth   Person ID 
1 Grist, Peter Gerald  25 Aug 1930I9604


Matches 1 to 13 of 13

  Last Name, Given Name(s)   Residence   Person ID 
1 Grist, Louisa Esther  1871I8815
2 Holladay, Ann  1851I8801
3 Holladay, Thomas  1851I8850
4 Holliday, Edwin  1861I8849
5 Holliday, Emma  1851I8848
6 Holliday, Emma  1861I8848
7 Holliday, Mary Ann  1861I8847
8 Holliday, Sarah  1851I8846
9 Holliday, Sarah  1861I8846
10 Holliday, Thomas  1841I8844
11 Holliday, Thomas  1851I8844
12 Holliday, Thomas  1861I8844
13 Holliday, Thomas  1871I8844


Matches 1 to 16 of 16

  Family   Marriage   Family ID 
1Crabb / Grist  Jan 1918F2263
2Cuthbertson / Grist  Jan 1918F2285
3Grist /   Apr 1864F10231
4Grist /   Oct 1913F10247
5Grist /   Oct 1915F10238
6Grist / Eldridge  Apr 1917F2166
7Grist / Hawkins  31 Dec 1894F2171
8Grist / Scowen  Jul 1930F2272
9Grist / Spratt  Oct 1915F2167
10Grist / Wilbourn  Jul 1928F2259
11Hawkins /   Oct 1894F10262
12Humphries / Tuggey  Jan 1918F4649
13Huntley / Grist  Jan 1931F2283
14Peyton / Grist  Oct 1927F2288
15Swaffer / Godden  Apr 1845F2151
16Whiting / Grist  Oct 1913F2265