Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland


Latitude: 55.950001, Longitude: -3.200000


Matches 1 to 16 of 16

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Borthwick, John  1570Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31517
2 Borthwik, Jeane  Bef 12 Oct 1600Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31525
3 Broun, Thomas S  Jan 1555Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31593
4 Broune, Murdow Archibald  1575Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31639
5 Dennett, Katherine  Abt 1572Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31640
6 Diksone, Johnne  8 Aug 1596Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I23486
7 Eddie, Jessie E  1851Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I14091
8 Fleming, Marjory  1625Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I25475
9 Grant, Ludovic  12 Apr 1698Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I3639
10 Logan, David  1550Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31553
11 Miller, Sara  20 Apr 1597Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I20941
12 Purves, Sir Alexander 2nd Baronet of Purves Hall  Abt 1645Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I22742
13 Purves, Sir William 1st Baronet of Purves Hall  19 Oct 1623Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I23802
14 Thouron, John Julius  13 Aug 1934Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I27386
15 Wilson, William Alexander  Nov 1585Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31591
16 Wilsone, Patrick  Abt 1515Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I33791


Matches 1 to 16 of 16

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Bogie, Robert  15 May 1814Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I21786
2 Bogie, William  May 1761Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I24867
3 Borthwick, John  29 Apr 1634Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31517
4 Borthwik, Lord William  Oct 1582Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31519
5 Broun, Thomas S  1615Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31593
6 Davis, William  28 Oct 1883Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I28071
7 Diksone, James  Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I24588
8 Douglas, Patrick John  18 Apr 1633Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31579
9 Falconer, Margaret Marjorie  31 May 1609Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31518
10 Fleming, Marjory  11 Aug 1670Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I25475
11 Glen, Alisone  Abt 1650Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31592
12 Keir, William  Jan 1643Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31587
13 Logan, Sibbylla  Aft 1633Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I31578
14 Miller, Sara  1625Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I20941
15 Purves, Sir Alexander 2nd Baronet of Purves Hall  1701Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I22742
16 Purves, Sir William 1st Baronet of Purves Hall  12 Dec 1684Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I23802


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 McKay, William  12 Oct 1810Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland I26751