Chilcompton, Somerset, England


Latitude: 51.268749, Longitude: -2.505395


Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Grist, William James  21 May 1866Chilcompton, Somerset, England I18845
2 Raynes, Ambrose Vagg  1848Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8538
3 Raynes, Cecilia  Jul 1844Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8537
4 Raynes, Ellen Jemima Frances  1836Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8540
5 Raynes, George Andrews  1833Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8534
6 Raynes, John William  1837Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8535
7 Raynes, Mary Grace  Abt 1830Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8533
8 Raynes, Thomas Lewis  1840Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8536
9 Raynes, William Vagg  12 Aug 1798Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8532
10 Smart, Beatrice Ellen  1885Chilcompton, Somerset, England I1841


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
1 Raynes, Cecilia  22 Sep 1844Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8537


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Raynes, John  1829Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8501
2 Raynes, Mary Ann  12 Feb 1859Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8504


Matches 1 to 16 of 16

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 Grist, Mary  1851Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8548
2 Grist, Mary  1861Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8548
3 Raynes, Ambrose Vagg  1851Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8538
4 Raynes, Ambrose Vagg  1861Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8538
5 Raynes, Cecilia  1851Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8537
6 Raynes, Cecilia  1861Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8537
7 Raynes, George Andrews  1851Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8534
8 Raynes, John William  1851Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8535
9 Raynes, John William  1861Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8535
10 Raynes, Mary Grace  1851Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8533
11 Raynes, Mary Grace  1861Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8533
12 Raynes, Thomas Lewis  1851Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8536
13 Raynes, Thomas Lewis  1861Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8536
14 Raynes, William Vagg  1832Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8532
15 Raynes, William Vagg  1851Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8532
16 Raynes, William Vagg  1861Chilcompton, Somerset, England I8532