Family: Dr Giulio Cesare Adelmare / Margery Peryente (F7962)
Dr Giulio Cesare AdelmareBirth 1509 Treviso, Veneto, Italy Death 20 Sep 1569 Great St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate, London, England Burial Marriage Father Pietro Maria Adelmare | F9685 Group Sheet Mother Female
Margery PeryenteBirth 1 Jan 1525 London, England Death 11 Aug 1586 London, England Burial Father Sir George Clerke Peryente | F7983 Group Sheet Mother Lady Agnes Sporne | F7983 Group Sheet Male
+ Sir Julius Caesar Adelmare, Knight Master of the Rolls Privy Councilor to King James IBirth 1 Feb 1557 Tottenham, London Borough of Haringey, Greater London, England Death 18 Apr 1636 Bishopsgate, Middlesex, England Burial Spouse Dame Alice Grant | F7961 Marriage