Family: Sir John Graham, 3rd Earl Of Montrose Right Honorable High Commissioner / Lady Jean Drummond, Countess of Montrose (F5807)
Sir John Graham, 3rd Earl Of Montrose Right Honorable High CommissionerBirth 10 Sep 1547 Montrose, Lanarkshire, Strathclyde, Scotland, United Kingdom Death 9 Nov 1608 Forfar, Angus, Tayside, Scotland, United Kingdom Burial Marriage Father Lord Robert Graham, Baron and Master of Montrose | F9410 Group Sheet Mother Female
Lady Jean Drummond, Countess of MontroseBirth 4 Sep 1550 Crawford, Lanarkshire, Scotland Death 16 Jan 1609 Crawford, Lanarkshire, Scotland Burial Father Lord David Drummond, 2nd Baron Earl of Perth Knight of Cargill | F9383 Group Sheet Mother Female
+ Lady Lillias Katherine Graham, Countess of WigtownBirth Apr 1570 Castlestead Castle, Motntrose, Angusshire, Scotland Death 1640 Inchbrakie Manor, Perthshire, Scotland Burial Spouse Lord John Fleming, 6th of Fleming Earl of Wigtown | F6426 Marriage